A man after God’s own heart

David cover

I just wanted to let you know about my latest book, shown above. I believe the series it is a part of is a great way to get into reading the Bible more, which may well be something you’ve determined to do this year. If so, why not see if a few friends would like to purchase the book too so that you can work through it as a group study together?

Each chapter of the book looks at a different part of the life of David. There are scripture references to look up and read, a small commentary on the passages and then questions and application to work through – as well as comments on how David pointed towards the life and ministry of Jesus.

You can buy the book here, and below are extracts from the personal application sections in two chapters:

Fear and passivity can cause us to conform to the opinions, preferences and expectations of those around us. It can lead to situations like the one we find the Israelites in at the start of this chapter – all afraid, hiding from their enemy, no one with courage enough to stand up and out of the crowd. How wonderful, but also challenging, to read how David refused to be put in such a box by those around him (and even the king). How often do we stand up to opposition, even from those in our own friendship groups, in the same way that David did – or is our more usual response like that of the Israelites? David’s perspective was very much in line with God’s David showed almost childlike trust in God, but also in the training God had given him during his years as a shepherd. From which perspective are you seeing the challenges that lay before you?


Have you learned to call out to God for help, especially to keep you faithful to Him, as David did so often? We have a huge array of his psalms to help us understand how to do this. Have you also taught those under your care (whether your own children or those you guide and nurture spiritually) how to do the same? It is so important that we lead by example, but also help nourish the faith of those we have influence over. What sort of legacy do you hope to leave behind you that will impact the generations to come?