Reflections based on John 1:9–13.
‘Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God’ (v12).
We have already looked at how God created not only the universe, but us too – and He took great care with each individual. It is important to remember that He is behind all our natural talents and gifts too. Before we start to look at ourselves and begin to feel even a whiff of pride, we should remember that without God ‘nothing was made that has been made’ (v3). Everything in creation is down to Him – us included. The basis for our sense of self, therefore, should be rooted only in Him.
Yes, we are each valuable and unique – but only in and through Him. I find that comforting, as it makes the idea of comparing ourselves to others a little foolish (although it is still something I so easily fall into doing).
Before the creation of time, God’s plan for salvation was at work too; to send Jesus, ‘the true light’, into the world. With His sacrifice, and our belief in Him, we have the right to call ourselves children of God; faith in His saving grace is all it takes to be adopted into His family.
If you have never asked Jesus to forgive your sins, dwell in your heart and change you from the inside out to be more like Him, can I urge you to do so today! And, if you have, remind yourself that, however you feel about yourself right now, and however you are treated by those around you, you are a child of the living God, the most powerful and loving being in the universe. How privileged you are to be able to call yourself His child!
Here is how John puts it in 1 John 3:1: ‘See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!’
Prayer: I thank You that everything I am is because of You. Since believing in You, I have been adopted into Your family and can call myself Your child. Amen!