These reflections on living by the Spirit are based on Galatians 5:13–26.
‘the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control’ (vv22–23)
We have spent some time looking at the things that we need to actively ‘take off’, and previously saw how a lack of self-control affects our whole being. Today’s passage puts in stark contrast living for our fleshy selves with living by the Spirit. We are reminded at the start that we are ‘called to be free’ (v13). But the only way to do this is to ‘live by the Spirit’ (v16). What does this mean? Well verses 22–26 give us a very clear indication.
If you are anything like me, you may read the list of the fruits of the Spirit and feel slightly condemned. I know that gentleness is not my strong point. In fact, way back in church youth group a visiting speaker challenged us to take turns thanking God for the qualities that we saw in each other. I was asked to go first and, as we were all quite shy, the guy encouraged the others to speak up by making suggestions. When he said: ‘Is she gentle?’ everyone fell about laughing. No, gentleness is not a natural quality in me. But, rather than the fruit being things we need to work up in our own strength, the Holy Spirit works in our hearts to cultivate them.
As we give Him access to the whole of our hearts, His fruit will naturally grow. That is why Paul urges us to ‘keep in step with the Spirit’. Our old, sinful selves have been crucified with Christ, but he recognises that they have desires that do assert themselves.
Many of us will have encountered battles during the past year with this. As restrictions have tightened, it has been tempting to indulge in activities that we find give us fleeting comfort and pleasure, such as binge-watching or eating.
It has been beautiful to see a sense of community grow, as many people have pulled together to support each other in these tough times. And yet, in our own homes, sometimes the tiredness and stress of the situation has had us lashing out at those closest to us, as patience has worn thin, and tempers have flared.
It is in such moments that we have a choice: either give in to what we know are unhealthy desires, or say no to them and ask for the Holy Spirit’s help to walk into the life we have been called to. Of course, we must be kind and compassionate to ourselves, and those around us. Being aware of what pushes our buttons is part of that process. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to reveal more of those things to us today, and bring them before Him.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, I thank You that You grow Your fruit within my heart. Help me to walk in step with You, allowing You access to the whole of me. Amen.
Hi Claire, just felt compelled to say that in all your posts I have regularly felt your gentleness coming through….we are sometimes held back by what we and others have seen in our younger selves but please be encouraged, gentleness is definitely within your writing style 😊 that said, I agree with your message that God works in us as we draw near to Him and brings out these fruit in our lives.
Ah thank you – appreciate you taking the time to say that 🙂 I have certainly worked on that whole area with God, but do sometimes recognise I can be less than gentle with those I live with when I’m tired or stressed!
Thanks Claire, I can certainly relate to that too!
Excellent post Claire. What you recommend is so discerning and true: we must become aware of what pushes our buttons. That is such a personal challenge, and the first step to cultivating the fruits of the spirit. I can be gentle but I know I have steel within me and sometimes that is used to ill effect for me and for others!