This International Women’s Day, I have taken part in a blog by the Woman Alive team that focuses on the women who have inspired us. Here is my entry – you can read the rest of the post over on the Woman Alive website.

I want to honour the incredible woman my mum was, and the huge impact she had on my life. She, more than anyone, taught me about having resilience in my faith, about being open and honest about my wrestling but also to cling to God despite the questions. I have had two years without her now and still, every time I face a difficulty, my heart pangs as I long to speak to her – to get her wise take on the situation but also to enjoy her prayer support. Despite being isolated in her home, crippled with pain and fighting for every breath in her final years, she was a faithful prayer warrior.
Regarding her ongoing suffering, rather than asking “Why me?” she said “Why not me?” I hope I can continue her legacy of having a stubborn, strong, determined faith and being a loving, supportive, praying wife/mother/friend/colleague to those around me.
Let us not forget
I watched my mum struggle and suffer but never lose her dignity. I know there are many women in vastly different situations around the world today who are nevertheless doing exactly the same. While it shouldn’t take a day like International Women’s Day to prompt us, can I use this opportunity to urge us to remember them all each and every day. Let’s not stop fighting and praying for an end to the unjust suffering so many are experiencing.
How lovely, Claire, that your mother shared your faith.