I can’t quite believe that our Grace-Filled Marriage book has just turned one! As part of our celebrations we are offering a ten per cent discount on single orders as well as free postage (UK only). Please email me on cmusters@icloud.com if you would like to find out more – or to arrange a discount for multiple copies. As it is Marriage Week from 10–16 May this is the perfect time to focus on your marriage. You could also encourage friends, family and church members to do the same! I will keep the offer going throughout Marriage Week. We have also provided a series of videos to accompany the book, through the Big Church Read. While you can work through them as a couple, they are perfect to watch and discuss alongside other couples that you trust.
Can I also ask anyone who has read the book but not posted a review to consider doing so – it really does help authors when you do. Thank you so much.