Happy International Women’s Day 2023! It actually seems sad to me that, in this day and age, we still need a day specifically focused on women to raise the issues so many continue to face. However I know that it is so important that we celebrate all the incredible achievements of women, but also highlight discrimination around the world. This year’s theme is #EmbraceEquity. Here is the explanation as to why (from the official website):
Equity isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s a must-have.
A focus on gender equity needs to be part of every society’s DNA.
And it’s critical to understand the difference between equity and equality.
The aim of the IWD 2023 #EmbraceEquity campaign theme is to get the world talking about why equal opportunities aren’t enough. People start from different places, so true inclusion and belonging require equitable action.
It’s not an equal playing field
Just this week I was shocked to read new stats that reveal the gender gap on pensions. ‘The gender pensions gap is estimated to be more than twice the size of the gender pay gap, while women’s retirement wealth averages only one-third of men’s in the UK’ (Now: Pensions).
And there is so much more sobering news, both in this country and further afield. Gender-based violence, slavery, girls forced to marry young and give up their education, those trapped in poverty. The world can feel like a dangerous, horrible place for women – and it can seem utterly overwhelming and paralysing. If International Women’s Day puts these issues at the forefront of people’s minds afresh then I am all for it!
Do what you can
It is when I wonder what on earth I can do to make a difference that I turn to prayer. I cry out for those God puts on my heart. But we need to take action too. Some of us are being called to get involved in changing unjust systems; all of us can give support to those who are (giving, signing petitions etc). But I also want to bring this back round to what I often consider on International Women’s Day: who are the women I can encourage, champion and support? I am raising a hugely courageous daughter, and am so proud of her. I know it is my job to be there for her in whatever way she needs. But I can also offer my kindness, practical advice and listening ear to many other women in my life.
Championing others
We can all get so blinkered in the midst of busy and challenging lives. For International Women’s Day 2023 think about who you can come alongside and cheer on. I LOVE the cover of the current issue of Woman Alive. It shows a striking woman, but making up the background are images of the women who have had a huge impact on the contributors’ lives. My mum appears, which is wonderful as she would have been so excited to be a ‘cover girl’!
That image makes me think of all the women that are behind each individual woman, supporting and encouraging her to be all she can be.
Let’s be those who are quick to champion others, rather than competing or being jealous. There are so many ‘one another’ing verses in scripture: why not look at a few and think about how you can show love to the women in your life today?
I am going to practice what I preach now and champion a wonderful woman: Claudine Roberts. She has written an important work on Violence Against Women, which I was thrilled to edit. And she has a blog over on the Woman Alive website I’d love you to take a look at.
A wonderful post Claire, with so many pertinent and inspiring themes on International Women’s Day. Thank you.