We have reached the day of celebration – Easter Sunday! On this day, Christians around the world gather together to thank God for Jesus’ resurrection and to joyfully proclaim their faith in him. But, just for a moment, I want us to take a step back to just before Jesus reveals he is alive, reflecting on John 20:1–29…
Confused and bewildered
Think about the disciples – what were they doing that first Easter Sunday? We have already noted yesterday that they didn’t hang around and help with Jesus’ burial. They must have been distraught to see Jesus die, and must also have been very confused, even though Jesus did tell them during the Last Supper what had to happen. (Let’s be honest – it was a very strange and difficult teaching to understand.) To their credit, however, they were nevertheless altogether when Jesus appeared to them (see v19). They may have been frightened, bewildered and still trying to get their heads around the possibility that what Jesus had said to them was true, but they couldn’t help but spend time together.
The mystery of faith
If we go back to when Mary first discovers that the tomb is empty, Peter and John (the ‘other disciple’) run to check the tomb. When faced with the linen and cloth all lying so neatly the passage says ‘they believed’ – even though they didn’t fully understand. How often in our journey of faith does God ask us to believe without full knowledge? That is the mystery of faith.
Full of compassion
When Jesus does appear, first to Mary and then to the disciples, he is full of compassion. He speaks peace over their troubled and confused spirits, breathes the Holy Spirit over them (v22) and meets Thomas’ doubts head on (v27–29). Interestingly, in this first meeting with them since his resurrection, he also sends them (v21). He immediately involves them in his future purposes – their doubt and fear had not discounted them.
Jesus it is so wonderful to celebrate your resurrection. I thank you that you dealt so gently with your disciples – and you do so with me too. Thank you that I am called and chosen by you.