Jesus, the hope of the world

Reflections based on 1 Peter 1:1–9.

I simply had to start our study focusing on the person of Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate hope for the whole world. As Christians we believe that Jesus’ death and resurrection has provided the way for people to be saved.

This passage has such a richness to it, reminding us that it is through God’s mercy towards us that we have this hope at all, and through Jesus’ perseverance and willingness to die a truly horrific death. We also have an amazing promise – we can now partake in the same inheritance as Jesus and it is being kept for us until we get to heaven!

The passage doesn’t shy away from explaining that we will face struggles in this world. Indeed the people Peter was writing to in this letter were ‘scattered throughout the provinces’ (v1) and some of that was no doubt due to persecution. But trials while on this earth do not disqualify us from our inheritance, which is an important truth to cling on to when we are feeling close to despair. In fact, here we learn that often they prove the genuineness of our faith.

Verse 8 is one I think we should all keep close to us, as it is full of comfort and hope. We believe even though we do not see, and that gives us a glorious joy that can only be found through our Saviour. What a hope we have! It is not based on our own strength, deeds, health or bank balance –but on Him alone. There is nothing we need to do to earn it, as it is a gift.

Let us never take hope for granted.

For prayer and reflection: Thank you for the hope that I have in Jesus Christ. It blows my mind that I am a joint heir with Him. Help me to live in the light of that truth, whatever I go through today. Amen.

My prayer for you

Reflections based on Ephesians 1:17–20.

Having finished our study on holiness last week, I am turning to look at hope next. Scripture is full of verses about hope, some of which I want to unpack with you. And yet, at the very start of our time together, I want to share with you my own hopes and prayers for this study.

I was drawn to the subject of hope after my husband led his first study at the ‘pastors’ life group’ he attends. He had just taken over leading the church, and with the added responsibilities and joys come added pressures and difficulties. And yet, during that study, he challenged other pastors from nearby churches to look afresh at biblical hope, and the fact that it is rooted in the truths about God. He then got them to look at their own hopes for the coming year, and the things perhaps they were beginning to lose hope for and challenged them to look at them afresh alongside relevant Scripture.

When I first looked at his notes I too was challenged and decided to explore this whole subject further. This passage from Ephesians is my prayer for you. That as we look at various verses on hope together God will reveal Himself to you once again and your heart will be refreshed and revitalised by the lifegiving knowledge that we have a hope beyond all earthly hopes, which God our Father Himself has called us to.

That hope is accompanied by an inheritance – and the same amazing power that raised Jesus from the dead. Wow. We have a lot to be grateful for don’t we?!

For prayer and reflection: At the start of this new study Lord I do pray that you will open the eyes of my heart to a fresh revelation of the hope that you have called me to.