Being content

These reflections on being content are based on Philippians 4:10–13.

‘I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.’ (v12)

I am rounding off our study on ‘Self’ with these verses because I think they are really encouraging – and challenging. Paul is saying that he has learned the art of being content, whatever the situation. I really feel that that is a place that God wants to guide us to as well. Can we truly echo Paul’s heart? And what about how we feel about ourselves?


It is so important to remember that we are works in progress. Yes, we are daughters of the most high King, and are redeemed and perfect in His sight. We are also ‘being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory’ (2 Corinthians 3:18). There is a process involved; are we accepting of ourselves through that or are we highly critical and constantly longing to be someone we are not?* God accepts us exactly as we are, while continuing to mould and shape us through the work of His Holy Spirit. If He accepts and loves us at whatever stage of our journey we are in, surely we should too? 


Learning to be content with ourselves is a great springboard for us to then reach out to others and to embrace all that God has for us in this life. Sometimes that may include incredible opportunities that blow our mind. At other times it may involve difficulty and suffering. Through it all we can fix ‘our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith’ (Hebrews 12:2), He will sustain us with His strength throughout our lives if only we look to Him. It is through His finished work on the cross that we can cultivate a healthy sense of knowing who we are. In Him we can also learn to be content in our circumstances and love those around us**. 

Prayer: Thank You Lord for the reminder to love myself. I choose to fix my eyes on You today – help me learn to be content where I am currently. Amen.

* If you know self-acceptance is a something you struggle with, you might want to take a look at Insight into Self-acceptance.

** If you would like to explore the subject of being content further, I highly recommend the following books:
Liz Carter’s Catching Contentment (IVP) – Liz has also written a six-week Bible study course to accompany the book
Jennie Pollock’s If Only (The Good Book Company)

NB I have included links to the publishers of each book, but please do buy from your local Christian bookshop if you can.