Waiting this Christmas…and beyond

Christmas is almost upon us, and yet still we are in that painful stage of waiting and longing – and it looks likely that it is set to continue well into next year. We wait for an end to the isolation, for the virus to be halted, to hug those we love…


I am writing to wish you all a Merry Christmas and peaceful New Year. However, I also feel it is important to acknowledge the pain and loss that will be felt during this year’s celebrations. We do need to cling to those things we can be grateful for daily, but there are moments when we simply need to weep – and it feels that now may be the time for some. Particularly for those who can no longer see those we long to visit and hold. The last-minute announcements have been for our good, but oh how they have cut deep. Please do give yourself time to mourn if you are struggling with the sudden change of plans.


So much of this year has been topsy-turvy, with many of those things we take for granted suddenly being taken from us. We have certainly learned that there is very little we actually have control over – may we remember that lesson in years to come. We have seen the absolute best of humanity too, with those working around the clock to protect and support the vulnerable and sick. But we have also seen some of the worst, as deep-seated issues have sadly come to the fore yet again.


May we take the time to reflect on the fact that on that first Christmas, God was willing to come down into our huge mess in order to serve, heal and ultimately die for us. Yes we are suffering right around the world, and there is so much we do not understand, but he is not standing far off from us. And he is still the author and perfecter of our faith – the one constant in an ever-changing world. Lean into him for his peace, for his patience, kindness – and for his understanding. May we pray for eyes that see his perspective, and hearts that remain humble and open. 

Take care and lots of love to you this Christmas season xx

PS If you have suddenly found your plans changed this year, and are looking for ways to stay connected to God, one of the publishers I write for has put together an hour-long programme of videos, carols etc. My short reflection on walking with Jesus through disappointment and loss is within it. I hope you find it helpful.