Reflections based on Acts 5:1-11.
While this is a very different passage, I feel this follows on well from last week’s look at corporate holiness (1 Peter 2:4-10). In Acts 4 it says that the believers shared their possessions and made sure no one was in need. This is a fantastic picture of unity. And yet, even amongst the infant Church, there was a couple who chose to hold back and lie. Their story seems reminiscent of what happened to Aaron’s sons and I think it challenges us not to think of God’s holiness too lightly now we are post-Old Testament sacrifices.
In his book on holiness, John White raises the whole issue of God still being dangerous post-the cross: ‘It is quite true that God’s love is the most self-giving love. It has redeemed us and has already imparted to us a sanctification and a righteousness that could never be won by law. But we cannot take it for granted. Our souls may be saved, but our physical lives can be endangered if we grow careless about the holiness of divine things.’
I think that is what was happening here. Ananias and Sapphira were punished not because they chose to hold back some money for themselves – their land and their offering were their own to decide what to do with – but due to the lying and taking for granted that it wouldn’t matter. They revealed hearts that had a real lack of respect for the truth and being honest with God and His people. Note how the rest of the church responded: ‘Great fear seized the whole church’ (v11). They had a sudden reminder that God is holy and does not treat sin lightly. I wonder whether today’s church could do with a similar reminder …
Prayer: Lord, so often we treat Your holiness too lightly. You cannot entertain sin; help us individually and corporately to remember that. Amen.