These reflections on being willing to deny ourselves are based on Mark 8:34–38.
‘“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”’ (v34)
Our society is selfish – people’s lives are centred on getting the best for themselves. Sadly, we can see that trait in many of our leaders today too. But that is not Jesus’ way. We are looking at the subject of ‘self’ but in our reading today He says that we must deny ourselves and be willing to lose our lives!
That can seem really harsh to us, but let’s unpack it. We have already seen how Jesus actually gives us a new identity when we choose to follow Him – and it is one with a rich inheritance. Nothing can compare to that. He also teaches us to love ourselves – as we need to in order to love others well.
I think what Jesus was saying here is that we need to shift our perspective. Life isn’t about trying to hang onto everything we can. As He says in verse 36: ‘What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?’ It is about making the choice not to be self-serving, but to view our lives appropriately and ensure we are willing to sacrifice everything.
Sometimes we will be called to suffer – Jesus talks about taking up our crosses – but we know that ultimately we have everything in the One who gave the once-and-for-all sacrifice. We have a call to a better life – but it means losing the old one. As Phil Moore says in his book Straight to the Heart of Revelation: ‘The Gospel is free, but it is not cheap.’
We find our true selves when we are willing to give up our rights to live just for ourselves. Some may pressurise or taunt us because we are Christians, but, ultimately, Jesus reminds us that those who reject Him now will not enjoy eternity with Him. And it is important to realise that our willingness to deny ourselves involves showing sacrificial love to others. By doing this, we reveal Jesus to those around us.
Prayer: Lord today I want to reiterate that I am willing to give myself to You completely – whatever the cost. Thank You that You give me true life in return. Amen.