Our church book group is working through The Father’s Kiss by Tracy Williamson at the moment. As it is Valentine’s Day, I asked her whether she could write a guest blog about the Father’s love. I’m sure you will agree that her personal story of God’s cherishing of her is a wonderful reminder to us all to look out for evidence of His loving care in our daily lives.
Today when I opened my inbox, I found dozens of adverts for Valentine’s gifts: lovely bunches of red roses, beautiful necklaces, yummy chocolates…precious gifts from the lover to cherish their beloved. Lovely, but it made me feel a bit sad, as I am single and, apart from a short romance when I was 19, I have never experienced being cherished on Valentine’s Day.
Suddenly, even as I became aware of that sadness, the thought came to me: ‘but I cherish you! You are my number one!’
I knew this was the Lord, my loving heavenly Father speaking to comfort me and give me the joy of being beloved, even though I am single. And I realised that only His love is truly cherishing and life-giving to us all. While those of us who are single or in loveless relationships may feel left out on Valentines’ Day, our loving Heavenly Father never misses any of us out. John 3:16 says ‘For God so loved the world…’
His wonderful love is for us all whether married or alone, young or old….
I wonder if you know how much He cherishes and delights in you? I believe that today He wants to show you His love in a special way. He knows each of us inside out, which means the ways we experience His love will be varied but all will contain true blessings, rainbow moments of knowing He is watching over us, providing for us and delighting in us.
When I felt that momentary sadness at not being part of Valentine’s Day, I responded to my Heavenly Father by asking: ‘So how do you want to cherish me Father? Please show me your love today.’
Some really precious things then happened while I was on a journey with my blind friend Marilyn. I am deaf and partially sighted myself and also have some balance difficulties. We had a heavy suitcase and were having to travel in the rush hour. I was a bit concerned how we would manage, as it was essential we got a certain train.
Father whispered in my heart, ‘see how I cherish you’. To my amazement, at every step of the 4-hour journey He lavished care on us. One lady went out of her way to carry the case up and down stairs to the underground so that I could guide Marilyn and hold onto the rail myself too. People gave up their seats on the tube and when we went to the info counter at Euston the staff were kind and helpful and amazingly put us into the first class compartment!
Then, to cap it all, there was an announcement to say there would be a complimentary breakfast in first class. We thought: ‘that’s nice but won’t apply to us as we haven’t got first class tickets’. But they did give it to us, so we enjoyed lovely posh food on china plates and tea and coffee in china cups! Afterwards Father whispered in my heart: ‘that was all just a tiny part of my Valentine’s kiss of love to you today. There’s much more to come!’
Father loves you and rejoices over you. He wants to kiss you with His blessing of care and love today. Ask Him to show you His cherishing love in a way that will be just right for you and He’ll delight to answer that prayer.
Tracy Williamson

Tracy is an author and speaker working for MBM Trust with Marilyn Baker, the blind gospel singer. Tracy recently published her latest book The Father’s Kiss (Authentic Media).