Get rid of selfishness

These reflections on how to get rid of selfishness and learn to value others are based on Philippians 2:1–11.

‘Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit’ (v3).

One of the characteristics of our earthly nature is selfishness. I love this quote by Jerry Bridges,* as it recognises that selfishness is our default setting, but also that we can learn to put off such habits:

‘It is our habit to live for ourselves and not for God. When we become Christians, we do not drop all this overnight. In fact, we will spend the rest of our lives putting off these habits and putting on habits of holiness.’

I find that encouraging, as it reminds us that we are all on a journey, and that it takes time – we need to remember not to condemn ourselves when we don’t always get things right.

It can be really difficult, if we are honest, to value others above ourselves and to look out for their needs more than our own. That’s almost an upside-down way of living isn’t it – but often that is what God’s ‘kingdom living’ is like. It is also how we can learn to be more united, and isn’t that what we desperately need right now?


In those moments when we feel the demands are too high, we are told to look to Jesus’ example. Verses 6–11 focus on His selflessness while here on earth – and how God rewarded Him.

Verse 6 is particularly challenging. If we feel trying to be less selfish is beyond us, let’s remember that Jesus ‘did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage’. If the one who was truly equal with God was willing to humble Himself and be obedient, shouldn’t that be enough of a motivation for us to follow suit?


It can be quite hard in our current situation to practically show others how much we value them. We need to try and think outside the box (perhaps looking to try out some of the ideas I shared previously). Let’s ask God to help us learn to lay down our rights in order to serve others.

Yes, this can be a battle every day – particularly when we are facing intense difficulties ourselves. However, when we reach out to others, we often get the connection we need too.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I am humbled once more when I think about how You laid down Your rights and were willing to sacrifice Yourself – for me. Help me to learn to put aside selfishness and reach out to others. Amen.

* Jerry Bridges, The Pursuit of Holiness, (Cumbria: Alpha, 1999 – first published 1978).